Monday, September 26, 2016

Lewis and Agility

Lewis is still doing agility and Lesley has done a great job with him.  Latest from one week ago.

Lewis 9_16_2016

Thursday, August 11, 2016

We've made a few small changed to the home plans and are getting an estimate from a new builder so we think we are on the glide slope to leave Florida by the end of March.  We've been doing fix up projects on the house here getting ready to sell.

Sliderman came and upgraded our 3 large sliders, have had new blinds installed on them, Kitchen has already been upgraded as have both baths and bedrooms have new carpet.  Planning to have new blinds in bedrooms and study and maybe a new AC unit/Air Handler just to make the house more marketable.

I'm still busy with other people boat projects - will post some of them here in the next few days but thinking down the road now about how ready we are to build a new home and relocate!

Lewis is ready to go check out the new neighborhood!

Moving On

Now that we've sold the boat and have been land based here in Florida it's just about time to move on.  We've finalized our new home plans, have rented a house in Kerrville for 8 months beginning April 2017 and have started boxing up things for the move.

I'm still really busy working on other peoples boats but getting to the point that I will have to stop that and focus on getting the current home ready to sell.

While we were in Kerrville this past June we tweaked our house plan to make it  more affordable, cleared the lot and had a Septic System evaluation.

This is the new final plan that we are hoping to begin construction on beginning in April of next year.  Lots to do between now and then!