Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Stucco finished sanition system nearly complete

The stucco texture was finished this morning and the crew was going to start painting but a cold front came through last night.  Windy, rainy, 42 degrees so crew going to come back tomorrow and finish.

The septic system was started yesterday with placement of the two tanks but today was serious work with plumbing done, wiring for the lift pump, and installation of bio-diffusers in the leech field.

I found out almost accidentally that the Kerr County Road and Bridge Dept will install driveway access for the cost of materials!  So went up and wrote a check for $130 and they will haul in about 8 yards of aggregate, grade and pack so that we have easy access to our lot - less work when it comes time to do the complete driveway and concrete apron.